

The Yale Student Energy Association has an open membership to all Yale University students. There is no minimum prior experience required. However, we do seek to create an active and passionate group of individuals who have high commitment to the club and demonstrate a willingness to learn and participate. If you are interested in becoming a member, feel free to contact us or fill out the form here.

Attendance Policy

  • Let us know 4 hours before the meeting takes place if you cannot make it. Attendance will be taken during general and discussion meetings, and if you do not let us know 4 hours prior and provide a valid reason, your absence will count as a strike. Of course, emergencies will not be counted towards the strikes. Missing five (5) meetings per semester would result in automatic removal from YSEA’s membership.
  • If you do not vote in one of the YSEA member votes, you will also receive a strike (if you do not feel comfortable voting for one of the options, you may submit a blank ballot!)
  • If you do not come to three consecutive meetings regardless of whether it was excused/not excused, you will also no longer be eligible to be a YSEA member. We understand that some students are unable to attend due to conflicting schedules, but we also need students to demonstrate a certain level of commitment and provide us with more clarity in planning future events.